Technology that makes a difference.
Every day we support our customers in creating smart and innovative solutions for the future. By combining excellence and engineering, we develop solutions and products that make a difference -for people and planet.
Expertise in product development
With a deep understanding of user-friendly products, we also have the knowledge of how production can be optimized. Our experience with innovative processes, our role as advisors and our holistic perspective take our customers forward.
We provide certified sustainable solutions and adapt the design to minimized footprint.
We create innovative solutions with volume synergies between office & living.
We are developing intelligence in sync between design-solution-material-production-logistic & market.
Our mission
“Bring better business solutions with high integrity and exclusively with unique DNA to customers and markets”
The power of focusing on the end user
We always start from the end user when we develop products and services. Technology has no inherent value in itself, it is the value it creates that is important. The same applies to the development of production solutions – new technology should solve our customers’ problems, not just be implemented because it happens to be the latest in the line of trends.
Solutions by us.
From idea & design process know how to understanding the value for clients & markets. Our product areas lies in the synergies between office and living.
We want to be the most
value-adding partner within
Ergo Office & Living

We work exclusively with some of the largest manufacturers in each product area.
We work with the most investment-willing and high-tech automated manufacturers for sustainable development.

We work exclusively with some of the largest manufacturers in each product area.
We work with the most investment-willing and high-tech automated manufacturers for sustainable development.

Get in touch
Vaktgatan 4
343 34 Älmhult
406, Yuyi Industrial Building
Wanghai Road, Shekou, Shenzhen
Phone : +46702557927
Email :